About the Portfolio
Use the search box to view the details of more than 3,000 properties and tens of thousands of multifamily units that Profimex has invested in over the years (Note: One investment included 1,138 properties). These equity and debt investments, totaling more than $56 billion, have been made with local partners who have extensive experience, deep familiarity with their local markets, and a proven track record. The portfolio spans multiple countries, sectors, investment strategies, and structures.
*Profimex has also participated in loans to entrepreneurs for hundreds of residential properties (single-family homes or small multifamily projects). These properties are not included in the portfolio.
**This page is being updated.
Sector: Industrial/Logistics
Investment date: 01/08/2004
Total Capitalization: $4,350,000
Sector: Industrial/Logistics
Investment date: 01/08/2004
Total Capitalization: $4,350,000